


A few more coming from Snowpocalypse 3. And then I suspect I’ll have some more film scans – just developed my first two rolls of 120 film (ever). Neopan 400 (the last two that I had, and the last I’m likely to have for a while, as I’m shooting Ilford HP5 now). Developing went well once I ditched the $15 cheapo developer tank reel and replaced it with a $50 nice one…

… with one minor caveat. Looking at the negatives, I think there’s a light leak in one of the corners of Bessa’s bellows; all of the shots have one overexposed corner. My other bessa isn’t due back from CLA for another 7-ish weeks, which means I’ll be going on a light-leak-hunt after I shoot the remaining three shots on its current roll.