
The Family

The Family

And here’s “The Team”. Just one family member (and one family feline) missing!

The Colorado River, I decided, was central to the trip. It should also be prominent in the shot, as much as possible. This vantage point, with us huddled on one side of the shot, gives your eye enough time to go look at what’s going on. And there it is, poking its high-contrast head in near center frame.

Of interest might be that I didn’t take this shot. Jake’s holding a wireless remote. I have about a hundred of these. Note to self: put camera on single-shot next time!

While this was shot at 26mm, it’s a crop that’s probably closer to 35mm. Some other tourists wandered into our shoot (off-camera to the left of this frame), and I wasn’t sure I would actually use the entire frame at 26mm anyway.