
Building Blocks

Building Blocks

Well, this day had to come eventually. After a long night of work, I totally forgot about posting anything until shortly after midnight. I decided at that point that it could wait until I got up again. So here I am, just before 7 in the morning, Jake sleeping on my shoulder for the moment, posting a shot from yesterday.

I may update this shot after it’s posted. I’m not really happy with the saturation of the yellow; it was much more vibrant than that in real life. But I figure it’s better to get it up now when I have a chance than to spend the next hour in Gimp just to have Jake wake up and demand my attention again! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Update: I re-processed the original raw picture, bumping up the gamma correction rather than fiddling with masks and curves. The first post-processed version is here if you’re interested; it has the blue corrected via a mask and curves adjustment, and everything else is pretty much as the camera thought it should look. You can see the power of processing raw images now, right? Shoulda just done that in the first place…