This is a cropped, retouched version of a shot that I stood in the rain for an hour to get. It still didn’t come out the way I wanted, but it’s close enough. Do you like it more as the mostly-desaturated version I posted, or the original, uncropped shot in color?
I think that I like the desaturated but would have liked to have seen the amber lights on the right going up the hill along with the lights overhead. That would have been really cool.
Dawn: like this one?
Yes, exactly! I think that just makes it feel *more*.
Mhh… I like it (the way it is – more would be too much)! Quakersimplicity… 😉
i agree…this one is great…the black and white…i love it!
I’ll go with the original. I think the wetness of the shot comes out better in color.
Great feedback, everyone! Now if I could just come up with a composite that has the color that dawn likes, the simplicity for Tobi and seribu sembilu, and the wetness for G N Bassett…