
Light Pollution

Light Pollution

Finally, snow! I love snow. I think it’s so peaceful and fun. I wish I had more time to be outside shooting it, but that just didn’t happen tonight. I had a half hour between dinner and an evening appointment so I took the opportunity to take some snow pictures around the parking lot.

In case you’re wondering, these colors are true to the original photo. It’s a combination of the yellow parking lot lights, the light pollution around Willow Grove, the clouds, the snow falling, and the long exposure that give it that very unnatural color. The snow-in-motion comes from the flash at the beginning of the exposure. This is an experimental photo, to be sure… does it look good, or just strange?

My wife also tells me that I need better names for my photos. “What happens when you’re at Angel number 47?” “Well, I’ll name that one Angel 47.” She’s not buying it, so I’ll see if I can be more linguistically creative…