This Is Not My Beautiful Wife
Still no time to get anything done, and we’re both exhausted. I’d say “all three are exhausted” but Jake flip-flops between exhausted and feeding so much that it’s probably not true at the moment. Yes, I think I just heard him wake up.
As the title suggests (and the title was suggested by my “you’re taking pictures of strange women again” wife), this is not her.
I didn’t notice the image of the person until I looked twice. It’s slightly surreal and movie-like. Is this a self portrait?
This is a shot I took on the train with the 75-300mm lens. She’s a random person on the train that happened to be looking out the window at the right moment. She would have been sitting just to the right, out of the frame.
Are the black areas too distracting, or do they add to the picture? Having seen the actual surroundings, I like them but I’d like to hear other opinions on the subject.
Mysterious and evocative image… Very compelling shot.
Very nice shot. Interestingly, I didn’t even notice the black areas until you mentioned them. Now that I notice them, my feelings are maybe mixed. They COULD be considered distracting, but only if what’s missing was interesting. On the other hand, they frame the picture in a unique way and make the shot more evocative. I’m most inclined to go with the second thought. I assume the train was moving? Nice.
Love it. Very mysterious. And is that a David Byrne quote going there??
anne: glad you like it!
jmhouse: if you didn’t see them until I mentioned it, then I’ll consider them non-distracting. Thanks for the feedback.
Travis: Indeed, it is. We are very much David Byrne fans.